Moritz Willborn
open air - gemütlichkeit für den öffentlichen raum_

open air - gemütlichkeit für den öffentlichen raum Freie Projekte
"open air" is a lamp for outdoor use.

Most public places- mainly during night time-glared
into a shrill light, neither particularly wellcoming nor inviting.

Whilst for the interior use, there is a million of lamps on the
market,diffusing a warm, pleasant light.
M y ideal is the classic stand-alone lamp, which everybody
is familiar with and has living records from his living room.
A place, so familiar to us, where we rest, sit down to read,
communicate andrelax.A place, we feel comfortable.

The intention of my lamp, is - by using it in the open
space- to re-createthe private atmosphere in public.

Possible Placements for my lamp:
Public Parcs, bus stops or pedestrianareas, equally .©2000

open air is a part of the exibition "somewhat different" (ifa, institute for foreign relations).